Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Driving Situation!

Driving in this country is truly mentally draining. It is irritating, frustrating, and annoying!Everyone seems to be in a hurry for no apparent reason! It gets worse when there are no traffic directors conducting the traffic or when the traffic lights are not working. Something NEEDS to be done! When driving here, you have to pay attention to EVERYTHING. I don't know how people talk and drive here cos that's hard to do!

Nigeria needs a traffic revolution! They need to create a Driving Task Force or something that would crack down on the crazy drivers! Seeing is truly believing and unless you come here, you can't fully understand the frustration with which I write this!

Having a driver (chauffeur) is NOT a luxury in this country o! It is a necessity if you don't want to have to deal with the craziness on the road! Pay someone to handle it. Although, I have to say that even when you are a passenger, you feel the stress and sometimes react because people really drive crazy!

Phew! Which way Nigeria! We have a long way to go! This traffic thing is truly a trip (no pun intended).

Alrightie, later :)

P.S.: Please feel free to leave a comment...I know you're out there reading this :) No pressure though :)


Anonymous said...

lol yes we are reading ma.i would've thought Lagos was worse but i guess it all over.

Anonymous said...

haha, just wait until you get to lagos